Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Parents Monitor and Protect By Tapping Cell Phone

If you are a parent and reading this article you may have already imagined how comforting it would be, if you were able to monitor your kid's cell phone activity. More than just controlling the cell phone bill, but who they are talking with, texting and/or sexting, and is this other person they are talking with someone you as a parent would consider as a healthy relationship. Tapping cell phone software is now available and able to do far more than you may have imagined. So if you are a parent, read on to discover solutions to the problems that have been challenging you. If not a parent, you too may find solutions to other relationship challenges.

Cell phone spy software can be installed on an Android-based phone, iPhones and other smartphones. The software then transmits information from the phone to an Internet site, which the purchaser of the spyware can access from any computer with Internet access at any time. Once installed the spy is undetectable and only the person that installed it knows that is there, not even your teenager.

Track Your Child's Cell Phone Location

Here is a thought. How would you like to be able to track your child's cell phone by GPS tracking and then see their exact location on Google Maps or another similar service? Oh what a relief, just to know that they are where they are supposed to be, and all this information available to you at your finger tips at any time, with just a computer and Internet access. Think about the times when your kids need your help like when they get lost, have a vehicle breakdown or run into bad weather and need rescued?

Would it give you a sense of control and security knowing that you can see who your child has been in contact with, by getting access to a log that shows the phone numbers that have been called and the numbers the phone has received calls from? Also the time the calls were made and their duration, as if it were not enough, you can also see any text message, SMS, email, photos and video that was sent or received, even after the message has been deleted or erased!

Now placing the cell phone spy on someone else's phone, a phone you do not personally own is illegal. However, if you bought the phone for your child you have every legal right to install the spy software to help in supervising him or her.

Does your kid need to have the cell phone spy software installed on their phone? Well only you as a parent can answer that one, it depends on the values of your household, your definition of privacy, and of course the behavior of the child. Some parents believe that children have no right to privacy when using a phone since the parents are the ones that are paying for it. Teenagers generally object to their privacy being invaded. However with what our teenage kids are exposed to in today's world with the drugs, sex and potential sexual predators that may even roam our neighborhoods. The question really is how valuable is our kid's safety?

How much would you pay to know your children are safe? Tapping cell phone software is available for a minimal monthly fee and you can have that peace of mind with the benefits of the spy software features shared, and these features are only a few that are available.

There are several options available on the Internet for how to tap a cell phone and instantly start spying on someone, but which spy software is right for your particular situation? What does it cost and is one better for you than the others? Come to my review website to get the answers. Whether you want to be bugging a cell phone or want to know if you have been tapped yourself?

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