Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bugging a Cell Phone: How It Saved My Marriage

Platinum Quality Author
Alright, before I share my story, let me explain how bugging a cell phone is possible on any smartphone. First thing, smartphones run on specific operating systems like Windows or Mac. The Symbian is the most popular operating system for smartphones; nearly fifty percent of the mobiles run on it.

Symbian phone spy software is an application which allows a person to watch the activity of a phone that uses this type of operating system. Once downloaded and installed on the phone, you may access a webpage of the cell phone spy software provider and receive information about the phone, numbers that it has called, what the text messages and emails that the phone has received say, and track where the phone is located in real time, plus even more.

Cell Phone Spy: I never thought I would use it, but I did.

Before our marriage I had a lot of problems with my family. Moving out of my parent's house and being with a woman that loved me were the main reasons why I decided to get married. However, I have to admit that I was immature and still insecure. My wife ended up landing a big promotion that required her to be on the road a lot, I put on a happy face, but inside I was really having trouble with it. I was scared she would meet someone and take advantage of the travel to have an affair. I mean I thought she was the most gorgeous thing around, would not other men too?

Then I came across the cell phone spy software. Admittedly because of my insecurities, I bought a Symbian run phone and installed the spy on it. Gave it to her as a gift the next time she was at home and the moment she left, I started to track her phone location. For days I monitored her every text, email and call logs,
yet I saw nothing. I became almost obsessed with watching her every movement, but still saw nothing that indicated anything other than her faithfulness to me.

Not until then did I realized that it was all in my head and that I was letting my imagination run wild because of my own self-esteem issues. I uninstalled the spy software and started taking therapy. Now I am proud to say that I'm much more secure with myself and my girl. Sometimes I regret bugging the cell phone on her, but in retrospective, maybe that's what I needed to start down the path to changing my thinking.

There are several options available on the Internet for how to tap a cell phone and instantly start spying on someone, but which spy software is right for your particular situation? What does it cost and is one better for you than the others? Come to my review website to get the answers whether you want to be bugging a cell phone or want to know if you have been tapped yourself.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tapping Cell Phone Software: Can It Be Done In a Legal Way?

Tapping cell phone spy programs are the latest in software developed for the incredibly popular iPhone, Android and other smartphone operating systems. There are several spy software programs available for the smartphones, but are any of them legal? Well, yes and no. Yes, if you own the phone that you are installing the spy on, and no if you try to install the spy on someone else's mobile that you do not own.

For example, if you and your spouse are on the same mobile plan you could place it on one or both of your phones, or if you provide phones for your teenage kids and want to monitor them you could download it onto their phone. However, if you are trying to spy on an employee, or a boyfriend or girlfriend and you do not own their phones, that would be illegal and potentially get you into a lot of trouble.

Regardless of their increasing popularity, cell phone spy programs are often thought of as illegal or that they allow you to do illegal things. There are many misconceptions about what spy software can or cannot do, which seems to promote the notion that they are illegal.

Eavesdrop On a Live Conversation

First thing, let me address what the mobile phone spy is NOT. It is NOT a hacking device. It will not give you the power to hack into computers, other cell phones or intercept calls on other people's cells that do not have the software installed. It amazes me that some people think if their phone has the spy installed, that if they just get close to another mobile user that they will be able to eavesdrop in on the call, not true.

Secondly, what can the spy program really do? Well, actually a lot of really cool stuff. For instance, you can track the location of your teenager's phone through the GPS location and see it display on Google Maps in real time. Know for sure that they are where they said they would be. This one feature alone could be worth the cost. View text, SMS, email, photos and videos that have been sent and received, and to whom and from whom they were received. Plus at what time they were exchanged. And here is the really fun part; you can get access to this information even if the user erased the texts from the mobile.

In addition, view the phones call log. See when calls have been made and received, and from what numbers they were made to and from. Know at what time the call was and the call's duration. Certain programs even allow you to eavesdrop in on a live phone conversation if one of the phones has spy software installed and you may even use your own phone as a bugging device. Leave it behind in your work area or home to hear what others are saying.

Tapping cell phone software is growing as more phone users are buying smartphones, and is legal to use when applied properly. So I think it will be around a long time.

There are several options available on the Internet for how to tap a cell phone and instantly start spying on someone, but which spy software is right for your particular situation? What does it cost and is one better for you than the others? Come to my review website to get the answers. Whether you want to be bugging a cell phone or want to know if you have been tapped yourself?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Ways You Can Spy on Mobile Phones

Technology is changing all the time and it seems like things are getting smaller and more powerful too. Smaller, faster computers and smaller faster mobile phones that offer more and more features to make our lives easier. If you are not a technology buff you can find it hard to keep up with all of the current things that are coming into the marketplace. In fact, it might be a little overwhelming to find out that your mobile phone may be bugged. Yes, that is right; to put a spy on mobile phone is now possible and very easy to do.

Cell phones do so much more now than just send and receive calls. They are now like carrying around a little computer that you can simply hold in your hand and there are many new applications coming available on a daily basis. Just think how many new models of BlackBerry, iPhone, Android and other Smartphones have come to market in just the past twelve months; you can send texts, SMS and e-mails from them, surf the Internet, record and send video and audio, schedule meetings and events, have it wake you up in the morning, listen to music, Tweet and update Facebook all from your phone.

Bugging a Cell Phone is Easy

Now the newest software allows you to spy on mobile phones as well. Just download the spy application on the phone. Then start retrieving information about how it is being used by the other person. All you need is Internet access to log in to your member website account to start monitoring everything they are doing with the phone.

When you spy on mobile phones what type of information is available? A lot, much more than you would think. You can see how many calls the phone has received and sent, and the duration of each call and when it was placed and the corresponding phone numbers. This is an awesome way to monitor and control expenses if you're paying for your child's phone bills or you provide mobile phones to your workers.

Think of being the invisible man standing behind the phone user seeing every text, SMS and email that is being sent and received by the mobile phone. The cell phone spy even lets you access them if they have been erased from the phone. Just think of it every picture and video that has been sent or received by the phone is now open to your viewing.

In addition, it wouldn't be a true spy on mobile phone device unless you were able to track the phone's exact location at anytime. See the mobile phone's GPS location through Google Maps, a feature that is very useful for finding lost children and checking to see if they are really at the place they said they would be.

There are many spy on mobile phone options available on the Internet to instantly start spying on someone, but which spy software is right for your particular situation? What does it cost and is one better for you than the others? Come to my review website to get the answers. Whether you want to spy on Android phone or have another type of phone you would like to tap?

Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Tap a Cell Phone Instantly

Is it possible to tap a cell phone? Yes, and it is not only possible, but is a very simple process to do with today's latest software that is available and it is legal if you own the phone that you are putting a tap on. I will explain how to tap a cell phone and give you several reasons why you might even consider doing a tap yourself. Mobile phone spy software is quickly becoming one of the most demanded mobile phone applications today, especially by parents, spouses and company owners who think their employees may be taking advantage of their company phone privileges. Looking over the features that spy software offers these groups find it very helpful for their particular situation.

For instance, mom and dad wondering and quite often worrying where their young children or teenagers are at a given time. This is typical parenting but one that children (especially teenagers) find uncool and restraining. However, kids will not find it restraining and uncool to have their parents purchase for them smartphones like BlackBerrys, Androids or iPhones. Since the phones legally belong to mom and dad who bought them, the parents are free to install spy software on them, and thus be able to track the location of their kids at any given time through Google Maps. This benefit alone can provide a warm comforting peace of mind to many parents.

Mom and dad may also see which numbers have called their children's phone and which numbers they have called. Information like call time and duration, and contact name that has been assigned to the number from the phones contact list. In addition, parents can read all text sent and received by the cell phone, even when the text has been erased.

Employers Tap Employees

Now that you have been exposed to the features of cell phone spy software you can easily realize the benefits that can be obtained by company employers that provide their employees phones. Employers who provide mobile phones to their workers do so because they have a need for that employee to have a phone for company business and operations, but not for personal texting and calls to spouses and buddies or girlfriends. Having the phone spy installed on company owned phones allows the employer to monitor the activity of their employees, this way they can be sure that the dollars spent on company phone bills is justifiable. Moreover, it isn't as costly as you might think. That's because with one brand of software the employer may install to one or multiple mobile phones for the same price.

For the spouses and significant others the spy software can provide a since of security and safety. Knowing that one may be found or tracked during an emergency situation, such as bad weather or vehicle breakdown is a comfort. For the spouses and significant others, who wonder if they our being cheated on there is no need to mention what the software can provide for them.

How to tap a cell phone is a very simple process. There are several different brands of spy software available on the Internet. You go to one of the websites and establish a membership type of account, then install the software on to the phone you would like to tap. Remember to be legal you must be the owner of the cell phone. Then log on to the website with your created account and start monitoring your cell phone from anywhere.

There are several options available on the Internet for how to tap a cell phone and instantly start spying on someone, but which spy software is right for your particular situation? What does it cost and is one better for you than the others? Come to my review website to get the answers. Whether you want to be bugging a cell phone or want to know if you have been tapped yourself?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bugging a Cell Phone, Is It Really Possible?

By Jaxon Chase

Bugging a cell phone is really possible and legal to do if you own the phone. Cell phone spy software is available for smartphones and is an application that is becoming more and more popular. However many are still in doubt of whether it can really do what many brands claim they can do. Come on now, is this just James Bond fantasy or can I spy on a smartphone? The direct response is, "Yes, you can." For those of you who do not yet know what I am talking about or don't know exactly what it does, this overview will explain many features and benefits.

So how do you get this secret agent spy application? Very simple, it can be purchased from several websites which I list on my review site. Then downloaded and installed on the phone that you own. Some applications download directly to the phone while others must be installed from your computer with a USB connection. Once you create your username and a password you are good to go. Log into the website and start spying on all the activity of the phone. It is that easy. The beauty of it all too, is that the smartphone will show no indication of the spy software running on it, like icons, logos, beeps, messages, etc.

Breakdown of the Features and Benefits of Cell Phone Spy:
  • Call Tracking: See the calls that have been made and received by the phone. From your member website you will be able to access a log that displays all the calls made or received, the duration of the calls, what time the calls were made and most importantly, the numbers which have called or been called. In addition, if a name has been assigned to a number in the phone's contact list, you will be able to see it, making it easy to identify the caller.
  • Read Text Messages, SMS and Email Contents: Yes have access to the good stuff, read any message sent or received. You will also have the logged times of the messages sent and the number they were received and sent to. Just like with calls, you can also see any contact name that has been assigned to a number that sent or received a message. Some people instantly erase any "juicy" messages just in case someone picks up their phone, but no worries here, because messages get logged on the website as soon as it is created. Yes, you can still read them even if they have been erased.
  • Phone Location Tracking: Always know where the user of the phone is from now on, because you can track the phone. This software will track the GPS location of the phone and display it through Google Maps.
  • Listen To a Call Remotely: Some applications will let you listen to call from a number that you have selected. If a call is placed to or received from the number you selected, your own mobile will instantly be sent a text message telling you that the number has been contacted. If you call the mobile phone that has been bugged, that is the software installed on it, you will be able to eavesdrop in on the call.
There appears to be three groups that benefit the most from bugging a cell phone, parents, employers and spouses or significant others. Parents in my opinion have the strongest reason to benefit from using cell phone spy software, since it allows them to protect their children. It could mean saving your child from a dangerous situation.

Employers who provide phones have a more common and practical application providing a way to control phone bill expenses and employee abuse of company time by texting and talking to friends while on the clock.
Those who think they are being stepped out on by their man or woman. You can see how extremely easy it is to find out whether they have been cheating on them or not.

Bugging a cell phone is possible and has many benefits to enjoy. I hope this brief review has been helpful.

There are several options available on the Internet for how to tap a cell phone and instantly start spying on someone, but which spy software is right for your particular situation? What does it cost and is one better for you than the others? Come to my review website to get the answers. Whether you want to be bugging a cell phone or want to know if you have been tapped yourself?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mobile Spy Software – Several Hints To Keep A Really Close Watch

Mobile spy software is something that is no longer in the realms of fantasy and very much a reality nowadays. Software technology is developing at a rapid pace and today you can spy on just about anyone who has a mobile phone. The software once installed in a mobile phone will keep track of the conversations that take place on the particular device. This way you can now keep track of a troublesome employee or spy on your child or spouse, with relative ease, thanks to the software.

The working mechanism of mobile spy software is simple to understand. Once installed it will keep a record of all the calls that were made or received using the particular mobile phone.  You need not be a technical expert in order to get the records. All that you need to do is to log in and find the details. The vendors who sell the product will usually train you in all the aspects of using the software, which is anyway very simple to use. The software will automatically send you an SMS alert each time a phone call is made or received on the particular mobile phone.

Mobile spy software is getting sophisticated by the day, what with newer features being added to it these days. For example, these days there are many software developers who  offer features in the software using which you can not only keep track of the calls but also find out the exact location of the person. Sophisticated GPS tracking system is incorporated as part of the technology in order to enable this feature.  

The good thing about mobile spy software is that the offer complete stealth. No one will even get an iota of doubt that they are being spied upon. With so many advanced features, it is not surprising that an increasing number of people are going in for the software nowadays.

Article by Spy Bubble cell phone spy software.